Tag Archives: awesomeness

It hasn't really happened until there's a commemorative plate made about it

Erin and I were watching The West Wing when we saw a commercial for an Obama commemorative plate called “Historic Victory.” Watch the (criminally unembeddable) video here.

These are my favorite parts, as they occur:

The “Here’s to Obama” toast at the beginning.

The dude who gives the Guy Nod to the plate as it sits on his desk.

His confident smile and kind eyes…

The little white girl who waves at the plate.

The “celebration fireworks” on the plate even though there weren’t any in Grant Park during his acceptance speech.

The electoral vote on the back of the plate reads “Undetermined 27.” They wanted to get the plate out so quickly they didn’t even bother to wait until the – historic! – final vote total.

Yes you can…own a piece of history!

Still the best thing I've ever done in any workplace ever. *

This has been a stressful week at work, due largely to a big online project I’m working on in conjunction with next week’s issue. Look for it on the site on Wednesday.

This package has a lot of video components to it, so I needed to grab a piece of code we used when I created the Indiana Jones vs. Megatron video over the summer. I ended up re-watching that clip, and decided to post the embedded version here. Enjoy.


Sometimes I think I have everyone fooled.

* Er, when I used to work on a crisis hotline that helped runaway kids get home to their parents? That was probably better in terms of making the world a better place. But this probably wins in the “Best Use of Video – Wanting Not To Laugh But Being Unable To Stop Yourself” category.